Friday, 17 July 2015

Temperature controlled dc fan using Atmega16

Bill of Materials:

1. Atmega 16A with IC base
2. 7805 voltage regultor
3. LM35 temperature sensor
4. Perfboard (tin-plated)
5. Soldering Iron (15W) with stand
6. Soldering wire
7. Jumper wire for soldering
8. LCD 16*2,10k POT and male berg strip (optional)
9. DC fan (as used in computer smps) cheapest one

Note: If DC fan rating is 12V then use external power supply of 12V and  1A else use 9V battery (HiWatt Only) with snip connector.

1 comment:

  1. sir i wrote this program but the error shown here is that adc output is lock
